6 Strategies To Effectively Recruit Lifeguards

These same candidates may not feel comfortable enforcing the rules and dealing with people. The last thing to do is put a person in this role who is not willing to tackle what you think. During the interview process, you should try to create an environment with the candidate who is true to your culture. The past two years have been very slim when it comes to personnel guards. My company had several requests from other companies to provide guards to take over the contracts.

New first responders candidates who pass the screening and then switch to a Red Cross certification course. The course is free for candidates aged 16 to 24, but those older must pay $ 110 for their Red Cross Lifeguard Certification. All new and returning lifeguards must pass a screening test, swimming 300 meters non-stop, stepping on the water for two minutes and retrieving a 10-pound stone from the bottom of the deep end.

Their deep dedication, knowledge of their communities and care for neighborhood youth illustrate the value of hiring people from neighborhoods.

Hiring the right lifeguard team comes from the interview process and the environment in which you bring them. Creating a great culture to work with and meet your needs are the most important things you can σχολή ταχυπλόου do to maintain a high-performing team. Have your current staff post a work-related image on their social media channels. In the word of mouth, 88% of people rely on their friends’ personal recommendations.

Personal connections to the people we serve are an integral part of ensuring social justice. Although the issue of staff diversity is broad; Start focusing on seasonal and part-time workers. Seasonal workers are generally older teenagers and young adults. They often decide to attend post-secondary education to become park and recreation professionals.