Tag: interesting

  • Interesting Facts About Various Collections In America



    While the Native Americans resisted European efforts to gain land and power, they were often outnumbered and did not have powerful weapons. The settlers also brought with them diseases that the natives had not encountered before, and these diseases sometimes had terrible effects. The 1616 epidemic killed an estimated 75 percent of Native Americans in…

  • 35 Interesting Fact About English Better Help Your Artnen De Language



    This eight-letter word is the longest English word with all its letters in the same order as in the alphabet. What it means, Aegilops is the name of a genus of wheat-related pastures, which means you shouldn’t have a problem making a sense of it. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to look for…

  • Interesting Facts About Tamil



    Contact with European languages has influenced the writing and use of Tamil. In the early 20th century, with the support of some political and nationalist parties, a new movement began, highlighting the removal of other foreign elements of Sanskrit and Tamil. Significant amounts of grammatical and syntactic changes are observed between ancient, middle, and modern…