Video Hosting

As many people know, there are any number Video Hosting reasons why you would desire cheap video hosting. Whether it is for multimedia advertisements, podcasting, or even hosting fan submitted video, there are many motives for looking for a service to support video hosting. For instance, you may want to host a video for your…

As many people know, there are any number Video Hosting reasons why you would desire cheap video hosting. Whether it is for multimedia advertisements, podcasting, or even hosting fan submitted video, there are many motives for looking for a service to support video hosting.

For instance, you may want to host a video for your associates to download, stream a video to share with others, or remotely host a video for your website. Fortunately, there are more than a few methods to achieve this task. Before deciding on a cheap video hosting service, you should first decide why and how to want to share videos.

For example, a person that wants to host fan submitted videos may decide to host on one of the many online streaming video sites like Veoh, Megavideo, YouTube, or other similar providers. These sites are good because they let people host videos online and allow you to stream the videos from a central website. This makes it possible for a larger number of people to see your videos.

These sites also have a large community that goes to those web pages sites faithfully. Because of this, you get people to view your videos. On a less positive note, there are a few disadvantages that arise from this method. The videos are often not high quality because of poor video resolution. This added to the small size of the video means that this may not be the best video hosting service for everybody.

Another cheap video hosting option allows you to host a video for download through providers such as RapidShare or Hotfiles. Although this method lends itself to a smaller number of viewers, you can retain the pristine quality of the video.

There is an alternate version of this process that gives you the ability to host your videos through torrent networks. People can download your video from the torrent site. This removes the necessity for you to host your videos. Instead, your videos are hosted on the computers of those people who frequent and download from torrent networks. Many people believe that this is a better option.

Those who choose to host videos remotely need to obtain more information about web hosting. It is important to note that the normal amount of space that is provided with most standard hosting plans is normally adequate. Yet, if you are currently using a cheaper plan that does not provide you a satisfactory amount of space, you should think about switching to another plan or provider.

There are other services that give you the ability to host your video files remotely such as FileAve and FlickCabin. These providers allow you to host your files on one of their directories. You only have to link to the videos from their location. Not only does this save you precious bandwidth but it also lets you upload files in a convenient way.

Whom you decide on as your cheap video hosting provider mainly depends on what your requirements are. Choosing a reliable provider is extremely important, because you must be sure that your time and resources are not wasted. If not, you may have to make adjustments later, which would be a huge waste of time and effort. Make sure that your hosting is not only cheap, but is also the best video hosting for your needs.

So you have decided to put videos on your website, but if your are like most people you’re finding it to be a lot more complicated than you first thought and one of the many technical issues that you have run into is the video streaming host. To make the process of streaming video on your site simpler and fun I have laid out the three most popular options below, hopefully by the end of this article you will have a better understanding of what a video streaming host is and why you need to have it in order to stream video on your website.

Video Sharing Sites like YouTube allow you to upload and stream your videos for free, they will accept your videos in almost any format the most popular being AVI, MOV, WMV, and MPG file formats, which they will then convert to Flash which is the most popular video streaming format online. They will then make a piece of code available that you can use to embed the video on your website.

However the downside of using this type of video streaming host is that your videos are seen by anyone, not good if you want to make your videos private or for members only. Also most of these video sharing site place restrictions on your videos, for example YouTube videos must be no bigger than 2 GB and no more than 10 min in length.

Your Own Web Server can also be used to host and stream your videos, if you are already paying for hosting your own web server could host your videos depending on the size of your hosting package and the use of your videos. You want to be sure you have enough storage and plenty of bandwidth if you are expecting to get a lot of traffic; it would make sense to discuss your plans with your hosting provider.

Also make sure you convert your videos into Flash format so that your files will be small and also because Flash is the most popular format the majority of Internet uses will be able to view them. Plus you will need an SWF player to play your videos a popular free one is JW Player just do a search online.

Specialized Streaming Video Host is the most popular amongst savvy webmasters because these companies specialize in streaming and hosting videos their servers are big enough to host your videos and are built to deal with huge influx of traffic, and they are surprisingly cheap compared to the service they offer.

Most of them will only except Flash files so you will need to convert any videos to flash first before uploading them. Again you also get to choose the Flash player, which some companies will provide for you but you don’t have to advertise the hosting company like you would with YouTube.

The downside is these companies cater for the more technical minded and it can get a little confusing if you’re not the technical type. But don’t let that put you of because if you’re planning on having loads of videos that’s going to be viewed a lot this type of service might be the best option for you, and they offer plenty of support and you will always find training and help you just need to search the Internet.

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