How To Grow Dill

The dill reached maturity 70 to 90 days after sowing. You can start harvesting dill leaves if the plants are at least six inches tall. Dill seeds can be harvested as soon as the plant has reached full ripeness and the flowers are fully shaped. You can harvest the leaves at any time, although the dill usually blooms about eight weeks after planting. As soon as the flowers develop, the plants stop producing leaves and focus on seed development. The seeds can be harvested when they start to turn brown.

Make sure that the soil is well drained and not soaked. In addition to planting dill plants in nutrient-density soils, they should be fed with a balanced organic fertilizer every two weeks. One of the advantages of growing dill is that both the leaves and seeds of weed plants are edible in dill. Growing dill plants and maintaining dill plants is also very easy.

Watch closely, otherwise they will disperse themselves. They can be used fresh or kept in the fridge for two to three weeks. Dill herb is used to season many dishes, including salads, vegetables, meat and sauces. Dill seeds are used to season bread, cucumbers, sauerkraut and cabbage salad.

Place the parts of the plant you want to preserve in a food hydrator. Follow the instructions for drying the herbs, hold the dill in the dehydrator for the allotted Dill and Gurkenkraut time, and then store it in a vacuum-sealed bag. If your garden is in a windy place, put down the tall plants to avoid wind damage or grow a dwarf variety.

At some point you can let the flowers bloom and develop sperm heads if you want to harvest them. Yellow flower seals attract numerous useful insects into the garden. Dill plants are attractive for ladybugs who lay their eggs on the stems.

Apart from that, the dill grows happily on poor and rich soils or under moist or dry conditions. Dill is considered an annual herb, but sows itself at the end of the growing season when sperm heads remain in the plants. A plant has many seeds, so it will return year after year. Then you can cut the dried seed heads and turn them over in a paper bag. As they continue to dry, the seeds finally fall into the bag. Another hungry creature that is attracted to the dill is the black caterpillar with the swallowtail .



