Tag: photos
Top 20 Travel Photography Tips To Enhance Your Photos
One of our favorite ideas for product photography is designing a product in a number of ways. You can show people that they only use your product or the product. You can play with different exposure settings for product photography. When there’s enough light, it’s easy to forget it exists, even if you left it…
The 10 Most Expensive Photos Ever Sold
Wall, seen here at a news conference for a major exhibition of his work, made history at Christie’s New York in 2012 when Dead Troops Talk became the most expensive Canadian photo ever sold at auction. CBC News reported that the photo was part of the David Pincus estate, which sold a Rothko painting at…
Ideas And Advice For Outdoor Family Photos
If you have any questions about a pose or angle, ask your photographer for advice on how to stand, bow your head, etc. When booking a session, talk to your photographer about the best time of day for your children and the light. Consider naps, meals, energy levels and the general mood at any time…