Tag: regular
Exercise: 7 Benefits Of Regular Physical Activity
We women love to read about health and fitness tips, but we always feel like we don’t have time to honor them. Eating breakfast not only gives you energy for the rest of the day, but it also kicks off your metabolism. That’s why it’s very essential that you stay aside for 15 minutes in…
Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity
Mental health and wellness tips, our latest articles, resources and more. Bike or walk to an appointment rather than drive, use stairs instead of elevators, briskly walk to the bus stop then get off one stop early, park at the back of the lot and walk into the store or office, or take a vigorous…
The Benefits Of Receiving Regular Massages
Although less rhythmic than other types of massage, deep tissue massage can be therapeutic, relieving chronic stress patterns and relieving muscle injuries, such as the back sprain. The ability of sports massage to help muscle remove lactic acid is not supported by studies. Many researchers believe that this is related to the fact that sports…