What Is Customer Engagement?

By keeping customers engaged throughout their buying process, brands can improve business metrics such as revenue, CSAT, customer retention, etc. Customer insights further improve sales processes by providing outreach messages and launch pads with relevant data. A customer engagement strategy is the documented process by which every customer contact team within your company connects with your users and customers. For most businesses, it includes all touchpoints with customers from the moment they first arrive on your marketing site or social media channels until they leave. Engaged customers will continue to build long-term relationships with the brand.

When you provide training and support materials, you make your products and services accessible to your customers at every stage of their journey. In several cases, marketing efforts go into the trash because they fail to pique customer interest. With effective customer engagement strategies, Customer Engagement Manager marketing efforts are expected to deliver better results because they are more likely to grab customers’ attention. Customer engagement is the process by which a company builds a relationship with customers that results in brand awareness, product acceptance, and overall loyalty.

To execute an effective customer engagement strategy, you need to listen, act, and communicate regularly. That’s why it’s important that you create a plan that outlines what team members will focus on and how you’ll be actively engaged and working with your existing customers. If you haven’t already, create a cross-functional cohort that works together to represent the engagement of each team within your customer engagement strategy.

The goal of customer engagement is to foster loyalty and build long-term relationships. From social media to Google reviews, online forums, and your own inbox, customers and brands have a myriad of ways they can communicate with each other. Next, make sure your customer engagement strategy includes all of those channels. When customers are able to connect through their preferred channel, they’re more likely to do so. Communicating effectively with customers on social media and other digital touchpoints is easier said than done. But if done right, customer engagement can reduce negative sentiment for your brand by 73% and generate $700k in annual revenue, driven by sales retention, providing a positive experience for every customer.

In fact, research shows that companies that focus on customer engagement strategies are more likely to let customers spend more on their products and services and make them brand loyal. A marketing engagement strategy should largely take into account what existing and potential customers need during their buying journey. Identify the most important steps in your audience’s buying journey and add a touchpoint to reach customers consistently.